Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance
One of our foundational operational values at ESA is the voluntary incorporation of activities with a social and environmental aspect. The contribution to and development of actions that benefit the progress and well-being of our society are especially important factors, as we believe that they contribute to business development and the long-term success of our company. We hear the sensitivities, worries, and concerns, and focus not only on the development of workers, clients, and suppliers, but also on the well-being of society as a whole.
We pay special attention to the economic, social, and environmental impact of our operations, by interacting and cooperating with all stakeholders. All of us here at ESA believe that there should be a great degree of social responsibility when taking operational decisions. Therefore, we commit to continuing to contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of our workers and their families, the local community we are part of, and society in general.

The hotline number 210 6001104 is available from Monday to Friday (except national holidays) from 09.30 to 16.00. ESA staff has the ability to discuss, in a confidential, honest, and responsive environment, issues of an operational nature related to pay, work programmes, clothing/equipment, and staffing, as well as matters that require special handling. Together with Employee Job Satisfaction Survey, the hotline is another initiative taken by ESA aiming to continue to support a friendly, safe, and fair work environment.

Company Code of Conduct:
At ESA, we have drawn up and implement a company code of conduct, which includes the basic principles and values that form the context of our company’s activities and determine our everyday behaviour and practices. The code contributes to the promotion of ethical integrity and transparency, as well as good professional practices at all levels of ESA and is addressed to all those who work for or with ESA: executives, directors, administrative staff, security personnel, as well as external partners.
The code of conduct is broken down into nine individual company policies, which concern the following areas:
• Corporate social responsibility
• Conflict of interest
• Dealing with corruption
• Employment
• Environment
• Health and safety at work
• Road safety
• Safe handling of information
• Business continuity
The management and all the staff at ESA commit to implementing the above policies, to following the related principles or procedures, and to achieving the company’s goals in every policy area.

Environmental awareness:
At ESA, we make every effort to promote environmental awareness and action, both at the level of operations and at the level of the functioning of our facilities.
Friendly to and aware of the environment, we are certified in accordance with EN ISO:14001 in the following areas:
• promotion of recycling in work areas
• the placement of special bins for collecting paper, glass, plastic, batteries, printer consumables, and electronic equipment
• control of the consumption of electrical energy and actions for its reduction
• replacement of high energy consumption equipment with corresponding equipment that consumes less
• the calculation and improvement of our energy footprint
• the rational use of natural resources.
Furthermore, through a unified management system, our company has developed and implemented a process for the identification of possible emergency situations or accidents, ensuring that we avoid consequences for the environment and minimise them in case they do occur. The prevention and treatment of environmental accidents is accompanied by the good maintenance of our facilities and equipment, the training of our staff, and the efforts to limit consequences to a minimum using material and processes that are environmentally friendly.

ESA offers Christmas gifts to the children of our workforce!
Christmas fills our hearts with love, joy, and hope. But above all, it is the favourite time of the year for our young friends, who see it as a magical and special occasion. I n cooperation with ESA’s trade union, we wished, as we do every year, a happy Christmas to all our workers by providing gifts to their children.
All children under 18 received a EUR 40 gift voucher to redeem at Public or Media Markt department stores and find the perfect gift to complete the magic of Christmas. We wish health and happiness to all the children and their families!

ESA Excellence Awards
It is our great pleasure to see the efforts and hard work of a child from the ESA family bear fruit, opening new horizons of education and opportunity. Therefore, this year, we created a new institution to reward excellence and progress, offering a gift voucher of EUR 300 to the children of our employees who passed the examinations for higher education, and support the start of their academic career.
Good luck to all our children as they start out on their new path, and we hope they find new stimuli to shape a great future.