Certifications – Licences
Adhering faithfully its obligations deriving from the special legislative regulatory framework, ESA is licensed (by its 30/11/1998 licence number 3015/39/60/210-IV, as renewed and currently in force) by the Ministry of the Interior (Hellenic Police Headquarters) as a private company provider of security services, in accordance with Law 2518/1997 as amended and in force, and is also a licensed operator by the Civil Aviation Authority for the provision of air transport security, in accordance with the National Regulation for Civil Aviation Security.
It is further licensed as a recognised security organisation (RSO) by the Ministry of Shipping and the Aegean, in accordance with the ISPS Code, to carry out port facility security assessments (PFSA) and draw up plans to manage risks in the country’s ports, as well as being licensed by the competent port authorities as a provider of port security services for cruise ships and container terminals.
At ESA, we are committed to applying a unified quality assurance system, in accordance with national, European, and international regulations. At the same time, independent and reputable accredited certification authorities audit all our company’s operations and procedures on an annual basis, in accordance with the specifications of international standards.